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Quarterly Financial Results  
Quarterly Financial Results Standalone       |      Quarterly Financial Results Consolidated       |      Balance Sheet


(Rs. In Lacs except earning per share data)
Particulars STANDALONE
Quarter Ended Year Ended
31.03.2024 31.12.2023 31.03.2023 31.03.2024 31.03.2023
Audited Unaudited Audited Audited Audited
1. Revenue from Operations :
a) Sales/Income from Operations 12,736.22 10,899.21 14,552.32 50,026.76 60,616.36
b) Other Operating Income 599.47 403.37 710.11 2,033.93 2,701.08
Total Revenue from Operations 13,335.69 11,302.58 15,262.43 52,060.69 63,317.44
2. Other Income 221.64 354.80 354.24 911.35 1,054.11
3. Total Income (1+2) 13,557.33 11,657.38 15,616.67 52,972.04 64,371.55
4. Expenses:          
a) Cost of materials consumed 6,142.19 5,445.79 6,649.52 23,367.75 31,679.14
b)Purchase of stock-in-trade 971.38 1,248.70 1,456.53 5,065.71 6,493.99
c)Changes in inventoris of finished goods, work-in- -progress and stock-in-trade 934.67 (516.59) 1,433.45 2,765.47 612.25
d) Employee benefits expense 1,232.80 1,211.88 1,087.55 4,794.06 4,490.75
e) Finance Cost 258.59 249.32 275.89 1,106.95 1,072.25
f) Depreciation and amortisation expense 364.44 396.99 383.28 1,538.36 1,466.52
g) Power and Fuel 368.99 369.10 386.15 1,574.38 1,671.40
h) Other expenses 3,000.92 2,948.76 3,182.21 11,728.80 14,198.74
Total Expenses 13,273.98 11,353.95 14,854.58 51,941.48 61,685.04
5.Profit before exceptional items and tax (3-4) 283.35 303.43 762.09 1,030.56 2,686.51
6. Exceptional Items (Refer note no. 5) - - - - -
7. Profit Before Tax (5-6) 283.35 303.43 762.09 1,030.56 2,686.51
8. Tax Expenses:          
a) Current Tax 7.29 47.65 137.43 146.19 619.93
b) Deferred Tax 31.60 31.80 47.87 91.80 46.73
9. Net Profit After Tax ( 7-8 ) 244.46 223.98 576.79 792.57 2,019.85
10. Other Comprehensive Income:          
a) Items that will not be re-classified to the Statement of Profit & Loss          
i) Re-measurements of defined employees benefit plans (7.91) (7.67) 2.40 (5.67) (3.91)
ii) Deferred tax related on items that will not reclassified to profit or loss 1.98 2.71 (0.61) 1.42 0.98
b) Items that will be re-classified to the Statement of Profit & Loss - - - - -
Total Other Comprehensive Income (5.93) (4.96) 1.79 (4.25) (2.93)
11.Total comprehensive income for the period (9+10) 238.53 219.02 578.58 788.32 2,016.92
12. Paid-up equity share capital 1,102.50 1,102.50 1,102.50 1,102.50 1,102.50
13. Face value of equity share capital (Rs.) 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00
14. Other Equity (excluding revaluation reserve) - - - 37,037.58 36,364.21
15. Earning per equity share of Rs. 10/- each (Not annualised)          
a) Basic 2.22 2.03 5.23 7.19 18.32
b) Diluted 2.22 2.03 5.23 7.19 18.32
Segment wise Revenue, Results, Assets and Liabilities for the Quarter and year ended on 31st March, 2024
Particulars Quarter Ended Year Ended
31.03.2023 31.12.2023 31.03.2023 31.03.2024 31.03.2023
Audited Unaudited Audited Audited Audited
1.Segment Revenue
a) Leather & Leather Products 11,904.21 9,986.86 14,010.52 46,539.20 55,224.54
b) Textile Products 1,653.12 1,670.52 1,606.15 6,432.84 9,147.01
Total Segment Revenue 13,557.33 11,657.38 15,616.67 52,972.04 64,371.55
Less: Inter segment revenue - - - - -
Income from Operations 13,557.33 11,657.38 15,616.67 52,972.04 64,371.55
2.Segment Results          
(Profit before finance cost and tax)          
a) Leather & Leather Products 462.20 469.54 979.66 1,847.74 3,235.17
b) Textile Products 79.74 83.21 58.32 289.77 523.59
Total Profit before finance cost and tax 541.94 552.75 1,037.98 2,137.51 3,758.76
Less: Finance Cost 258.59 249.32 275.89 1,106.95 1,072.25
Profit Before Tax 283.35 303.43 762.09 1,030.56 2,686.51

3. Segment Assets

a) Leather & Leather Products 55,092.99 56,046.50 59,054.83 55,092.99 59,054.83
b) Textile Products 7,142.53 7,649.54 7,871.96 7,142.53 7,871.96
Total 62,235.52 63,696.04 66,926.79 62,235.52 66,926.79
4. Segment Liabilities          

a) Leather & Leather Products

22,197.68 23,192.86 26,579.61 22,197.68 26,579.61

b) Textile Products

1,893.07 2,596.94 2,880.47 1,893.07 2,880.47
Total 24,090.75 25,789.80 29,460.08 24,090.75 29,460.08

5.Capital Employed


a) Leather & Leather Products

32,895.31 32,853.64 32,475.22 32,895.31 32,475.22

b) Textile Products

5,249.46 5,052.60 4,991.49 5,249.46 4,991.49


38,144.77 37,906.24 37,466.71 38,144.77 37,466.71

1. The above Audited Financial Results were reviewed and recomended by the Audit Committee, subsequently approved and were taken on record by the Board of Directors in their meeting held on 8th June 2024. The statutory auditors have expressed an unmodified audit opinion on these results.
2. These financial results have been prepared in accordance with Indian Accounting Standards (IND-AS) as prescribed under section 133 of Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 3 of the companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Rules 2015 and relevant amendment thereafter. The said financial results of the parent company and its subsidiaries (together referred as the "Group") have been prepared in accordance with IND-AS 110 - Consolidated financial statements".
3. The figures for the quarter ended March 31, 2023/2024 are balancing figures between audited figures in respect of year ended March 2023/2024 and the published year to date figures upto the nine months period ended December 2022/2023.
4. Rojus Enterprises Limited became Subsidiary with effect from February, 2024 and Petrick Shoes Limited, UK became step down subsidiary (Subsidiary of Superhouse UK Limited, UK) with effect from December, 2023.
5. The Board of Director have recommended Dividend @ 8% (i.e. Rs. 0.80 per Share) on the equity share capital for the financial year ended March 31, 2024.
6. Figures of the previous period have been regrouped and rearranged wherever necessary to correspond with current period's classification/disclosure. Figures of the previous period are not comparable in view of note no. 4 above.
  For and on behalf of the BOARD     
Date: 08.06.2024
Place - Kanpur
Zafarul Amin          
Joint Managing Director   
DIN - 15533            
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