(Rs. In Lacs except earning per share data)
1. The un-audited IND-AS Financial Results have been reviewed by the Audit Committee and were taken on record and approved by the Board of Directors in their meeting held on 13th November 2021. These results have been subjected to limited reviewed by Statutory auditors of the Company. |
2. These financial results have been prepared in accordance with Indian Accounting Standards (IND-AS) as prescribed under section 133 of Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 3 of the companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Rules 2015 and relevant amendment thereafter. The said financial results of the parent company and its subsidiaries (together referred as the "Group") have been prepared in accordance with IND-AS 110 - Consolidated financial statements". |
3. The figures for the quarter ended September, 2020/2021 are balancing figures between unaudited figures in respect of half year ended September 2020/2021 and the published year to date figures upto the first quarter ended June 2020/2021. |
4. The Company has considered the possible effcets that may from COVID-19 in the prepration of these intremin finacial result for the quarter and half year ended September 30,2021. In assessing the carrying value of its asset and liabilities.The company has considered internal and external information including the economic forecast available, and based on such information and assessment no further adjustments are required to be made and it will not have any affect on "Going Concern" assumption being followed. The impact of the pandemic may differ from that estimated as at the date of approval of these interim financial results.Such changes if any,will be prospectively recognised.The company will continue to closely monitor any material changes to future economic conditions. |
5. Exceptional Item amounting to Rs. 382.21 Lacs represent loss on sale of Land and Building (property). Operation of one of the unit alongwith entire plant & machinery has been shifted to another location for better synergies and efficiency in operations; and the property has been disposed off to have additional liquidity for business operations of the company. |
6. Tax Expense (Current tax) for the quarter/half year ended 30th September 2020 is net of Income tax adjustments relating to earlier years amounting to Rs. 146.14 Lacs. |
7. Figures of the previous period have been regrouped and rearranged wherever necessary to correspond with current period's classification/disclosure. |
For and on behalf of the BOARD
Date: 13.11.2021
Place - Unnao |
Zafarul Amin
Joint Managing Director
DIN - 15533 |