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Chairman Message
Board of Directors
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Quarterly Financial Results  
Quarterly Financial Results     |     Segment Wise Revenue


(Rs. in Lacs)
Particulars Quarter Ended On 9 Months Ended On Year Ended
30.09.2011 (Audited) 31.12.2010 (Audited) 31.12.2011 (Audited) 31.12.2010 (Audited) 31.03.2011 (Audited)
a) Net Sales/Income from operations 10,651.16 13,198.19 10,325.40 34,472.91 31,638.65 44,320.37
b) Other Operating Income 147.20 41.68 59.02 221.60 217.85 207.63
a) (Increase)/Decrease in Stock in trade and work in progress (442.96) 351.37 (617.61) (1,333.02) (1,865.03) (1,304.17)
b) Consumption of raw materials 6,123.46 6,956.71 6,201.97 19,897.03 19,740.33 26,011.68
c) Purchase of traded goods 423.56 875.73 551.39 1,950.22 1,385.17 2,318.54
d) Employees cost 705.34 632.97 628.34 1,905.56 1,682.21 2,337.44
e) Depreciation 248.33 237.50 240.49 723.35 689.23 916.99
f) Other expenditure 2,709.97 2,885.49 2,577.83 8,338.17 8,128.66 11,061.90
g) Total 9,767.70 11,939.77 9,582.41 31,481.31 29,760.57 41,342.38
3. Profit from Operations before Other Income, Interest and Exceptional Items ( 1-2 ) 1,030.66 1,300.10 802.01 3,213.20 2,095.93 3,185.62
Other Income 25.23 13.01 10.11 44.73 190.74 205.82
Profit before Interest and Exceptional Items ( 3+4) 1,055.89 1,313.11 812.12 3,257.93 2,286.67 3,391.44
Interest 260.29 276.05 215.52 796.96 580.35 786.23
Profit after interest but before Exceptional Items (5-6) 795.60 1,037.06 596.60 2,460.97 1,706.32 2,605.21
Exceptional Items (Refer Note No. 3) - 190.45 - 190.45 - -
Profit from Ordinary Activities before tax (7+8) 795.60 846.61 596.60 2,270.52 1,706.32 2,605.21
Tax Expenses 280.90 275.26 202.50 761.50 570.50 886.98
Net Profit from Ordinary Activities after tax (9-10) 514.70 571.35 394.10 1,509.02 1,135.82 1,718.23
Extraordinary Item (net of tax expenses) - - - - - -
Net Profit 514.70 571.35 394.10 1,509.02 1,135.82 1,718.23
Paid up equity share capital
-Face value of the share is Rs. 10 each (Including Share Forfeited Rs. 39.48 Lacs)
1,141.98 1,141.98 1,141.98 1,141.98 1,141.98 1,141.98
Reserves excluding revaluation reserves as per Balance Sheet of previous accounting year       11,476.29
Earnings Per Shares (EPS)
a) Basic and diluted EPS before Extraordinary items for the period,
for the year to date and for the previous year (not to be annualized)
4.67 5.18 3.57 13.69 10.30 15.58
b) Basic and diluted EPS after Extraordinary items for the period,
for the year to date and for the previous year (not to be annualized)
4.67 5.18 3.57 13.69 10.30 15.58
Public Shareholding
- Number of shares 5015308 5015508 5015458 5015308 5015458 5015458
- Percentage of shareholding 45.49% 45.49% 45.49% 45.49% 45.49% 45.49%
Promoters and promoter group shareholding
a) Pledged/Encumbered
- Number of shares - - - - - -
- Percentage of shares (as a % of the total shareholding of promoter and promoter group) - - - - - -
- Percentage of shares (as a % of the total share capital of the company) - - - - - -
b) Non - encumbered
- Number of shares 6009692 6009492 6009542 6009692 6009542 6009542
- Percentage of shares (as a % of the total shareholding of promoter and promoter group) 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
- Percentage of shares (as a % of the total share capital of the company) 54.51% 54.51% 54.51% 54.51% 54.51% 54.51%

Note :
  1. The above results were reviewed by the Audit Committee and were taken on record by the Board of Directors in their meeting held on 14.02.2012.
  2. The financial results are based on the accounts drawn in accordance with generaly accepted accounting practices consistently in complience with the mandatory accounting standards.
  3. Exceptional item represent extra ordinary loss arising on restatement of foreign currency Loans as on 31.12.2011. The Company has natural hedge against foreign currency loans as more than 80% of revenue of the Company is from exports. This loss being notional may or may not materialize on maturity.
  4. 02 Nos of investors complaints were received during the quarter. All were disposed off. No complaint was pending at the beginning or end of the quarter.
  5. Figures of the previous year have been regrouped and rearranged wherever necessary.
  For and on behalf of the BOARD
Date- 14.02.2012
Place - Unnao

Chairman and Managing Director
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